Declarations In The Cause

We the Free Baha’is do not believe in declarations. We believe in spreading the true teachings of Baha’u’llah and don’t work for numbers. A Free Baha’i should purify himself from greed of attaining positions, and start working out of love for humanity and world peace. Our Master has clearly stated, "There are no officers in this Cause. I do not and have not appointed any one to perform any special services, but I encourage everyone to engage in the service of the Kingdom. The foundation of this Cause is purely a democracy, and not a theocracy." (Reference: Star of the West, Vol. 8, pg. 116) These man-made assemblies and authoritative positions have pushed the Baha’is to work out of greed of acquiring positions which lead to fake reports and false statistics. But, if a person frees himself from administration, he will fulfil his duties towards Baha’u’llah and not for NSA or UHJ. Thus, he will be rewarded by Baha’u’llah for his efforts. For this reason, Free Baha’is do ...