Why was Praveen Mallik elevated to the UHJ?

My very first blog post. We are proud that this was even published in The Caravan Magazine . A step towards controlling the radical Iranian Baha’is in India! Election rigging is an act of dishonestly organizing an election to get a particular result. It is an electoral fraud and an interference with the election process. In the Baha’i Faith, the elections are not rigged because there are no elections in the first place. The whole election process is an orchestra, in which the elected members are pre-decided, and the ballots are not even counted. Like every previous International Convention, this year, it was pre-decided to induct Praveen Kumar Mallik as the new UHJ member. To justify the result of the selection process, desired member, Praveen Mallik was inducted into the ITC. This gave Baha’is the idea that such a person is on the waiting list. It was expected that very soon the UHJ will elevate the Indian ITC member from Bihar a very politically sensitive ...